Temple Hall Farm Regional Park
Dee Dee Symington Equestrian Trail

Explore the beautiful terrain of Temple Hall Farm on horseback. Trails are built for riders and horse drawn vehicles and include water crossings along six miles of trails through woods and fields on Temple Hall Farm. Easy access trailer parking and access to restroom facilities for riders. Temple Hall Farm does not have riding horses, users must bring their own mounts.
The Dee Dee Symington Equestrian Trail was built by the staff at Temple Hall Farm Regional Park with the generous support of the Tri-State Riding Club and Broad Run Veterinary Service. Located at Temple Hall Farm Regional Park, just North of Leesburg, the trail is open daily Tuesday through Sunday from 9:00 A.M.- 4:30 P.M. April through October. Picnic tables are available to guests and restroom facilities are located in the Symington Visitor Center. All trail users are required to have a negative Coggins for each animal and fill out a Trail User Form located at the information kiosk adjacent to the parking lot. For special events or extended hour use please contact the Park Manager or the Farm Manager by calling 703-779-9372 or e-mail us at templehallfarm@nvrpa.org. All trail users are asked to stay on the clearly marked trail.