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Tinner Hill Historic Park

Historic markers/Zig Zag monument

Tinner Hill Sign

Tinner Hill is rich in history and there are several onsite markers which provide compelling stories of their own. Near the park entrance are a pair of interpretive panels that help explain what occurred at the site, as well providing some background on the individuals who were at the center of the struggle. The borders of the home of Joseph Tinner -  of those individuals - is still visible at the site. 

In addition, a ‘zig-zag’ monument weaves through the park’s center - an art piece that denotes the line that was drawn through the community to denote Fairfax County and the city. As the line progresses through the park, it is continued with a beautiful sculpture, an interpretation of the “Zig-Zag,” or West African adinkra symbol of toughness, adaptability, devotion to service and resoluteness.